Here are some photos of our lover Alexander Skarsgard in drag for the San Francisco premiere of his new movie, Diary of a Teenage Girl. I’m actually not sure why Skarsgard is in drag for the premiere? Someone just emailed and said the film is set in the 1970s and the film features drag queens, so maybe Alex is doing an homage. And let me say this… when Alex does drag, he really goes all out. His wig game in ON POINT. His makeup is extraordinary. And his arm muscles look… my God.
Alex has been doing some interviews in the past week to promote the movie. His interview with The Guardian has gotten a lot of attention, probably because he’s pretty funny in it. Some highlights:
His 6’4” height: “I’m tall in Sweden. But I’m huge in Hollywood.”
His teenage years in Sweden: “The first was when I was a young teenager and didn’t go out much, just hung out at home and played video games. The girls in our class, we weren’t cool enough for them and they found some older dudes with Vespas and moustaches. My late teens were wilder. I discovered partying.”
His work in Battleship: “I’m only in Battleship for 30 minutes. I get blown up pretty early on. I’m a fan of Pete Berg. I still think he’s a fantastic director and I actually had a lot of fun. I know it was a disappointment at the box office but it didn’t turn me off big movies.”
Working with Lars Von Trier for Melancholia: “People cracking jokes, having a laugh. It was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had. It was as close to doing theatre as you can get.”
The Tarzan movie: “When you first meet Tarzan, he’s buttoned up in a three-piece suit in Victorian England. So it’s reversed – instead of it being about taming the beast, it’s about the beast within. There’s the dichotomy of functioning in a civilised society where you politely wait at the post office for your turn, but also being an animal with everything that contains. I can relate to it. I think every human being can.”
Being a Swede in Hollywood: “There are a lot of Swedes in Hollywood in general. We have a tendency to know each other and help each other out.” And go for meatballs at Ikea? “Of course! We drive there in our Volvos listening to Abba.”
Ha, “We drive there in our Volvos listening to Abba.” That really is the stereotype Americans have of Swedes, that they’re all tall and blonde and they all love Abba and IKEA and they drive Volvos and support a strong social safety net. Does Alex ever go to IKEA and think, “Damn, this feels like home?”
More photos of Alex looking incredible.
Photos courtesy of Getty.