Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 fans have been requesting the iconic pop-culture figure John Wick as a playable Operator in the game. While that doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon, the community has discovered unique loadouts that allow them to wield the weapons that Baba Yaga used in the movies. These loadouts are made using the Gunsmith 2.0 system to resemble John Wick's arsenal.
A Reddit user, u/denzlegacy, recently shared four different loadouts from the John Wick movies. Each of these loadouts is a replica of the weapons that John Wick wields in the four movies. These include the CA-415 from the first movie, his signature pistols, and more.
Having said that, for players looking to use John Wick's arsenal in Modern Warfare 2, this guide will take a closer look at all the loadouts that u/denzlegacy shared on Reddit.
Guide to replicating John Wick's weapons in Modern Warfare 2
As previously mentioned, u/denzlegacy shared four unique loadouts from each of the John Wick movies. These weapons were built using the Gunsmith 2.0 system, which allows players to modify the various guns as per their preference.
It not only allows them to add different attachments and change their appearances but also custom-tune each of these attachments to achieve desired results. Having said that, here are all the loadouts that u/denzlegacy shared:
John Wick Chapter 1
To build the loadout from the first movie, use the following weapons and attachments in Modern Warfare 2:
- Barrel: 11.5" T-H4 Barrel
- Underbarrel: Operator Foregrip
- Ammunition: 5.56 Overpressured +P
- Optic: SZ Lonewolf Optic
- Stock: Torrent Span-9
- Muzzle: SLAB-10 Comp
- Trigger Action: XRK Heavy V3
- Ammunition: .45 Auto Overpressured +P
- Magazine: 10 Round Mag
- Rear Grip: Bruen Anchor Grip
John Wick Chapter 2
As for Chapter 2's weapons, use the loadouts as shared below:
- Barrel: Tempus Trench Pro
- Muzzle: XTEN Havoc 90
- Underbarrel: Bruen Tilt Grip
- Rear Grip: Sakin ZX Grip
- Optic: DS Farsight 11
- Barrel: XRK LUC-9
- Trigger Action: XRK V6 Match
- Magazine: 24 Round Mag
- Rear Grip: FTAC OL-Z Grip
- Optic: Cronen Mini Dot
John Wick Chapter 3
From Chapter 3, fans can recreate John Wick's SMG and shotgun with the following loadout in Modern Warfare 2:
- Barrel: 12" Bruen SZ-36
- Muzzle: Bruen Pendulum
- Stock: Ravage-10
- Optic: SZ Recharge-DX
- Laser: FJX Ultrabeam XR
Expedite 12
- Optic: Cronen Mini Dot
- Stock: Bryson Reverb-55 Stock
- Bolt: Expedite L-Bolt
- Rear Grip/Comb: Padded Shotgun Comb
- Ammunition: 12 Gauge Slug
John Wick Chapter 4
Finally, for fans of Chapter 4, and the intense shotgun sequences in the movie, the following loadout is recommended:
KV Broadside
- Barrel: Warrior Wolf
- Muzzle: Mack8 Frost Bite
- Ammunition: 12 Gauge Dragon's Breath
- Stock: FT TAC-Elite Stock
- Optic: SZ Lonewolf Optic
- Barrel: XRK Tacops Barrel
- Muzzle: SLAB-10 Comp
- Trigger Action: Bruen MG80 Trigger
- Magazine: 10 Round Mag
- Rear Grip: FJX DVF60 Grip
That completes the classic loadouts from all four John Wick movies in Modern Warfare 2. Until Baba Yaga arrives in the shooter title, fans can elevate their experience by using these loadouts in the game.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 Season 3 Reloaded will arrive on May 10, 2023. The update will be released on PC (via and Steam), Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, and PlayStation 5.
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