Jenny McCarthy has declared her son, Evan, recovered from autism due to the special diet and techniques she’s used since she says he started exhibiting the symptoms, at age 2, after an MMR vaccination. The American Academy of Pediatrics has come out in criticism of McCarthy’s claim that a wheat and dairy free diet has cured McCarthy’s son.
When Evan was 2 years old he was diagnosed with autism. At that time, Jenny started researching the condition and says she prayed. She says she made a deal with God: “You fix my boy, you show me the way and I’ll teach the world how I did it.” Jenny tells the world more of how she did it in the latest issue of Us Magazine.
The actress – who believes the MMR vaccine was to blame for her son’s diagnosis – says a strict no wheat-and-dairy-free diet has changed her son from a quiet little boy who used to flail his arms around to a loving six-year-old.
“Before the vaccination, he was huggy, lovey, snuggly,” she says in the newest issue of Us Weekly. “Then it was like someone came down and stole him.”
McCarthy, 36, remembers when Evan began to come out of his shell while watching a SpongeBob episode. “I heard Evan laugh…I jumped on the bed and started screaming.”
She adds, “When he finally hugged me, I prayed, ‘Please God don’t let this be the only time.'”
[From UsMagazine]
Jenny says Evan is now a happy, loving child that no longer exhibits any signs of autism. He sure is adorable, too, he always has such a winning smile. She’s got to be doing something right, although I think it’s a little presumptuous to think it’s the answer for everyone. McCarthy admits that there are parents who have been doing much more for much longer and haven’t had the significant results that she has with Evan. She goes into detail in her newest book, Mother Warriors: A Nation of Parents Healing Autism Against All Odds.
Jenny McCarthy and Evan are shown at the Horton Hears a Who premiere on 3/8/08. They are also shown out together on 9/30/07. Credit: Bauergriffinonline. Jenny McCarthy is shown below on 10/6/08 at Elle’s Women in Hollywood event and on 10/1/08 with boyfriend Jim Carrey at Target Presents AFI’s Night At The Movies. Credit: WENN and Fame