I am as big for going behind the curtain of the business as anyone. But I still expect that the information is fact, and not just speculation.
Meltzer speculated that the WM3 attendance was made up. Rather than providing proof, he has repeated often enough, and portrayed it as fact, and if you repeat a lie often enough, people start to believe it.
It kills Meltzer to give WWE credit, doesn't it? Instead of applauding the record crowd, and speaking of this shows how popular wrestling is, he puts a negative spin, says that WWE make it up, just because negative news sells, and he would rather get hits on his articles than give credit where it is due.
Even if Meltzer actually wants to be sure before commending WWE for this, why not give the benefit of the doubt, unless evidence emerges to the contrary? It's on Meltzer to prove his case, otherwise, he needs to stop repeating the WM3 attendance "myth".